úterý 9. prosince 2014

Why is December one of the best months for recruitment?

Author: BBK

December is the last month of the year, and potentially the most suitable month of the year for recruitment. It provides a myriad opportunities for employers to hire new workers, but often this month is overlooked by employers as one of the best months for recruitment.

There are some fantastic reasons as to why December is perhaps the best month for recruitment. They are listed below.

pondělí 24. listopadu 2014

What Recruiters in Agencies Are Doing Wrong

If you are a company recruiter working with a recruitment agency, you have probably had an agency consultant who irritated you to distraction. I faced this problem over the past years, and the following situations were the most frustrating. I have seen these frustrations happen with agency recruiters as well as corporate recruiters, mainly because most of the recruiters come from agencies, and they take their bad habits with them.

čtvrtek 20. listopadu 2014

Private Profiles - 2 LinkedIn tricks

There’s no way to add information to your LinkedIn profile and prevent it from being seen.

But what if you find profile that is “Private” or shows as a LinkedIn Member? This Profile is not “Private” for you, because you just going to learn two tricks.

úterý 4. listopadu 2014

Recruitment Tools for 2015 and Few Tricks

Message for Free.

Yes you can send a message to any LinkedIn group member. And yes they are free! So if you are saving money on inMails you can just search for their name in a group and click “message”. But you can send the InMails for free only to people that share the same LinkedIn Groups as you.

úterý 21. října 2014

Recruiter certification - Real deal or scam?

We are living in the times when everybody is looking for certificate. Just to show the new employer that they have the knowledge and they have the experience. Also there are some new companies that are just creating their certification just to generate money and you will get the certification that is basically useless if you are looking for a job outside Czech Republic.

In my opinion, a certification won’t make a bad sourcer good. You will just spend money. And if the teacher is bad, you will learn bad things and you will waste your money.

Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview

During all the years that I've been working in recruitment I worked for 2 agencies and few global organizations, I've seen plenty of job candidates sabotage themselves during interviews.

During my current job search I am trying to avoid these things, so I was trying to remember these things that I need to avoid and I create this list, I hope you like it.

Some job hunters still do speak before they think. So don't take yourself out of the competition by saying one of these job-interview killers:

neděle 19. října 2014

More than 10,000 eBook downloads

eBook - The Secret of Hiring on The Internet is out from 9/1/2014 and it was downloaded more than 10,000 times.

So I just want to say THANK YOU so much for downloading this free eBook.

I hope that you find this resource helpful.


It's free, so you can download it, share it and use it for free :)

úterý 2. září 2014

Recruiters Become Marketers

Attracting top talent in today’s market is more difficult than ever before. Attract and find the candidate is not easy way, however with the right approach and the tools, you will find out that recruiting is best working together with marketing techniques.

But don’t worry like recruiting, marketing ain’t rocket science. You just need to understand the rules and you can learn everything else.

pondělí 1. září 2014

Free eBook - The Secret of Hiring on The Internet

Hi all, here is my Free eBook - The Secret of Hiring on The Internet. I hope you like it. Well it's free, so you can download it, share it and use it for free :)


čtvrtek 14. srpna 2014

Job strategies - TOP 7 strategies

When you are looking for job you need to just understanding these key points. These points could be critical to your job hunting strategy. They will tell how to present yourself for maximum results and what its not a right thing at all.

pondělí 11. srpna 2014

Trust Me, I'm a Recruiter!

Disclaimer: This article is not about all recruiters and I am not telling that every recruiter is lying.

If you use Google and type: Recruiters are… you will see what the public thinks about recruiters. 

It is no secret there are problems with recruitment services and quality in our industry, especially here in Prague. For most of the recruiters people are just merchandise and they don’t see them as partners or they are not taking them as human begins.

středa 6. srpna 2014

Candidate Sourcing - Facebook

Facebook for recruiters? Really?

Well Facebook is often overlooked by recruiters, because they think that there is no benefit in this site. But as you already know Facebook has over 1,3 billion active users. More than LinkedIn (300 million plus users). Facebook is one of the biggest databases of candidates available.

But this article will be short.

neděle 3. srpna 2014

Google Plus (X-Ray Google+)

G+ or Google Plus has been ignored and still is, by recruiters everywhere.

G+ for most of them is a ghost town. I always hear things like „Nobody is there“, „I am not going to waste of time there“, „G+ is not for hiring“ etc.

Don’t be stuck only with LinkedIn and don’t believe the typos in LinkedIn is the secret that is going to help you Crack the code to LinkedIn. It is going to help you if you are still living at 2012.

Yes Google+ is not a LinkedIn, but have you ever tried it? I don’t have to be a mind reader, but I believe that your answer is NO. 

čtvrtek 31. července 2014

The Art of Cold Calling

Cold calling is one of the most effective tools job hunters have at their disposal. But it’s effective only if it’s done correctly and if you have plan how to do that.
During the trainings, that I am doing for my colleagues. I always try to mention one of the most important things. You need to overcome your fear from cold calling! It’s not a personal it’s just a business and you can take these calls like a game. Yes you will hear lots of “Sorry, but I am not interested”, but still you can change this within few seconds on “OK, so I am listening” It's easier than you think! 

In fact, you are about to call someone to discuss something that could really make a difference to their career!

Whether you’re a junior recruiter or a senior recruiter, you absolutely should add cold calls to your portfolio of job search activities. And not only LinkedIn! :)

úterý 29. července 2014

How to find candidates on Stack Overflow

If you are IT recruiter you are good or bad, nothing between. If you are good, then what you really do, what you live for, is solving problems how to find the right candidate. If you are bad recruiter, you probably don’t know what Stack Overflow is or you are just starting with IT hiring.

pondělí 28. července 2014

Master GitHub hiring (X-Ray GitHub)

What is Github?

GitHub is a Git repository web-based hosting service which offers all of the functionality of Git as well as adding many of its own features.

GitHub has become such a staple amongst the open-source development community that many developers have begun considering it a replacement for a conventional resume and some employers require applications to provide a link to and have an active contributing GitHub account in order to qualify for a job.  

neděle 27. července 2014

Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection = Souhlas se správou, zpracováním a uchováním osobních údajů

I was asked to do a test about the biggest personal agencies on the market here at Prague. So what we did (and behind “we” is me and my friend) few tests how the agencies are working.  Because I am traveling, I asked my friend to be a "partner in crime" and help me with the research and this small test.

Agencies in these tests are:

Adecco, Randstad, Advantage Consulting, Hays, Manpower and Grafton.

čtvrtek 24. července 2014

CzechRecruiter on the Twitter

Hi all, so it
s official! I am also on Twitter. Yeah, I am not that old for Twitter! :)

You can find me here https://twitter.com/czechrecruiter

P.S.: Don’t expect anything clever, you know it’s still Twitter ;)

středa 23. července 2014

Be Master of your LinkedIn Profile

A great way to build your network online and fast is to use LinkedIn. In this article I will demonstrate you, how easy you can build the network on LinkedIn fast with the right people.

Quick warning: Create one profile only! Some so called “LinkedIn gurus” will tell, that you need to create two profiles on LinkedIn. Please don’t do that. You will look dumb and one of your profiles will be probably remove from LinkedIn.

Creating profile is easy, just follow the steps on Linkedin and try to create the English version of your profile first. Second language is plus, but English version should be mandatory.

úterý 8. července 2014

(Part 3) X-Ray LinkedIn, use Google

I hope you enjoyed part 1 and part 2. In this part I will going tell you more about how to X-Ray LinkedIn through Google.

Lots of things is going in my life right now, so I will write more articles soon, but in this moment I will take a break, because I have to do some important stuff.

Why to use x-ray for LinkedIn?

Reason 1: Full Names (always)

Reason 2: Unlimited profiles: You can view more than 100 profiles and absolutely for free. LinkedIn will show you only 100 profiles per 1 search.

Reason 3: View out of network connections

pondělí 7. července 2014

(Part 2) How to: Research Synonyms for Your Boolean Search

Search engines on LinkedIn and somewhere else are not very intelligent and therefore it is often difficult to find what you are looking for.

In part 1 you get more familiar with Boolean search commands, but another tactic or approach can yield dramatic results. One of the tactics is the find the relevant keywords.

So start searching smart with more relevant keywords!

Most search engines (LinkedIn etc.) are not using any semantic search technology. So if you search the keyword .NET, then you just get results with that word in it. But you are not going to get any other results/synonyms like C#, ASP.NET, ASPX etc. With the right synonyms you can find more relevant profiles for your role.

So if you want to get more relevant search results for your search, then you must work with synonyms and find the right ones! Equation is pretty simple here, more synonyms equals more relevant search results!

sobota 5. července 2014

(Part 1) Linkedin Boolean Search (Don’t pay for ineffective trainings)

There are many people on the Czech market offering LinkedIn trainings, most of them are expensive, full of old tricks and pretty ineffective. So you don’t need to crack the code of LinkedIn; you need to learn the "code". And first thing you need to learn is Boolean search, this will help you a lot.

So save your money, when you can learn these LinkedIn basics for free. But if you still want to pay for the ineffective training, that’s up to you. But rather spend your money on something better and help some people that really need your help http://www.clovekvtisni.cz/.
But everybody has a choice to learn for free or pay for the training. Choices are like connecting highways. They all take you to the same place. Some just take longer to get there.

First lesson, learn the basics

Learn how to search for the right keywords and create the search string.

When you use Boolean search operators on LinkedIn, you are able to search the entire LinkedIn universe, not just your network. The string that you are going to use is going to entire profile, including the summary and headline. The number of results you will get also depending on your level of LinkedIn membership, if you have free account you will see only small number of profiles (only 100) 

neděle 29. června 2014

Free Recruitment Tools for Google Chrome

Why pay for the expensive tools, when the best things in life are free?

Here are few tools that is going to help you with your Linkedin Search. For all these tools you need to install Google Chrome

URL: Recruitin.net 

Very handy boolean String formatting software for input into Linkedin, Google, GitHub, Xing, StackOverflow, Twitter.

Mon.ki People Search

Mon.ki has a suite of Chrome addons that do different things. Mon.ki People Search connects users with the people they know across multiple networks including Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Crunchbase, and more.

sobota 21. června 2014

Fake profiles gallery

I got lots of tips and screen shots by email, about the fake profiles so here is small galery for you. I also was contacted by some ex-CoolPeople employees and they told me about some new fake profiles and tricks. (The main article is still here http://czechrecruiter.blogspot.cz/2014/06/fake-profiles-on-linkedin-why-and-who.html )

Czech Republic:

Staffing companies post fake jobs to lure people in, why?

You are looking for job and viola; you see a position advertised that fits your profile like a glove. You send your CV and you didn’t any feedback and response. So hours turn into the days, a week goes by and still no response? And you start wondering if the position has been filled, but you still see the posting on the job board. You contacted the agency and still no response or something like “We are still trying to get a feedback from the company.” or you will not get any response at all.

There are some agencies on the market and they are using the trick with the fake positions.

pátek 20. června 2014

Quick note

I would like to thank you all for your support and emails I got from you. It’s really great to see that the market is full of good recruiters trying to build the relationship with candidates and do honest work!

I would like to answer few questions, but first of all I am really surprised about the impact that this small article already did.

“The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.” So thanks for your sharing and for this small miracle.

I really appreciate this!

středa 18. června 2014

Fake profiles on Linkedin. Why? And who is behind this?

Maybe you found recently some invite from somebody who mentioned on his LinkedIn profile that it’s Talent Manager, Talent Hunter, Talent Specialist from companies like Google, Amazon, Skype etc. You accepted and nothing happened and you think that what is the reason, why I got this invitation?

Well, I can assure you, that “something happened” after you accepted this invite. 
I will try to disclose who is behind these profiles.

Me and two of my friends (both are also recruiters in Prague), we tried to find out who is behind it.

And because people behind these profiles are not responding on inmails, we tried small test to find out who is responsible for this.

Who am I?

Answer is really simple :) I am recruiter with 20 years+ experience working at Prague. Why I am not showing my Linkedin profile or mention my name?

Well, my goal is to point out on the bad things on Czech HR market and some people are not going to like that. They will probably start threating with lawsuit and other things like that. So it’s better to be “anonymous” and tell the truth or be “visible” and not able to disclose the truth.

And you know the truth is out there. J