čtvrtek 20. listopadu 2014

Private Profiles - 2 LinkedIn tricks

There’s no way to add information to your LinkedIn profile and prevent it from being seen.

But what if you find profile that is “Private” or shows as a LinkedIn Member? This Profile is not “Private” for you, because you just going to learn two tricks.

I started  my search, so I used two keywords: Recruiter and Ghana. I have special connection to this country, so that’s why I use it in my search,

As you can see on the picture below, this person is not in my network, and the result shows no name, just a headline title.

There are two ways how to find the name of that person.

First way: Google X-Ray

Take unique information from this profile and let’s try to use this command on Google to x-ray LinkedIn and see if we can find this person.

Use this in Google:

site:linkedIn.com “recruiter at EUNIQUE RECRUITMENT SERVICES” Ghana

And you will get this result:

And when you click on the link you can see, this is definitely the same person from the LinkedIn search. But this time is not came back as a “private” result. Plus you will see more information.

Second way: LinkedIn Hack

Sometimes you are not able to use the Google X-Ray so there is a LinkedIn hack that is going to help you a lot.

When you find some of the profile marked as LinkedIn Member, just check the URL in your address bar and you can see the number between = and &. This is the unique number for LinkedIn account.

In this case it's 199308966

Just copy this number and in the new window or type this www.linkedin.com/channels/rss/influencers/ 

But don’t forgot to add the number so your link will be looking like this 


And this is for user https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=199308966  

And you will see this:

Just copy his name into your LinkedIn search and here you go, it’s not private anymore.

Do you know any other cool way? 

1 komentář:

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