I got lots of tips and screen shots by email, about the fake profiles so here is small galery for you.
I also was contacted by some ex-CoolPeople employees and they told me about some new fake profiles and tricks. (The main article is still here http://czechrecruiter.blogspot.cz/2014/06/fake-profiles-on-linkedin-why-and-who.html )
Czech Republic:
Czech Republic:
(this one is really funny, check the dates)
And as you know CP is also openning office in Poland.
Poland embrace yourself, the winter and Talent Managers (Java Sourcing Specialists) are coming! :)
cz.linkedin.com/in/aliceadamcova ... I think this was the first one. I reported it about 3-4 years ago, but nobody did anything. Actually their fake profiles have been around for quite some time. I reported most of the them, but no one ever cared. I am glad, you brought it up so that everyone can see how un-professional company CoolPeople are.
OdpovědětVymazatI just notified my friend @ LinkedIn HQ about it and I hope she will start doing something about it.
OdpovědětVymazatIt looks almost like google has more talent managers than programmers :).