URL: https://github.com
What is Github?
GitHub is a Git repository web-based hosting
service which offers all of the functionality of Git as well as adding many of
its own features.
GitHub has become such a staple amongst the
open-source development community that many developers have begun considering
it a replacement for a conventional resume and some employers require
applications to provide a link to and have an active contributing GitHub
account in order to qualify for a job.
If you
never heard about GitHub, you are probably not looking for IT people or you are not IT recruiter. GitHub is
definitely a very good tool for sourcing technical candidates especially
developers etc.
Because not
every engineer, developer or designers is on LinkedIn but lots of them
are using website like GitHub, then more and more companies are targeting
people on this website.
between GitHub and LinkedIn is that GitHub shows you what actual projects a
user has worked on, in the form of repositories.
Why GitHub is great?
You can
find a code samples – Your hiring manager or technical lead could just checked the
code and see if this candidate is good candidate for your company or not.
and contacts – GitHub users host their personal projects and also GitHub
profiles usually contain a means of contacting the candidate.
Start searching with Google
Example: You are looking for JavaSctip developers, so how to
find JavaScript Developer in Prague on github?
Try to put
this on Google: site:github.com JavaScript
As you can notice
everybody has "joined on" in their bio's, so don’t forget to include
this in your search and also in double quotations.
"joined on" location "JavaScript OR JS"
so if you
are looking for JavaScript developer in Prague you can use this: site:github.com "joined on" Prague "JavaScript
More advanced
"joined on"-intitle:"at master" -inurl:"tab"
-inurl:"jobs." -inurl:"articles" "JavaScript"
Easily find user’s e-mail address on GitHub:
This is
pretty easy thing, if you can follow few steps:
1) So you
found the user you would like to contact eg. https://github.com/garybernhardt as
you can see that there is no email address at all not even of the page source
2) Copy and
paste this line into your browser (https://api.github.com/users/xxxx/events/public)
and find the GitHub username for which you want to find the email. In this case
its garybernhardt
3) Replace
the xxxx in the URL with the person’s GitHub username so it will looks like
this https://api.github.com/users/garybernhardt/events/public
4) When you
hit enter you will get the page that will looks like a source code. And then
you easily press Ctrl+F and start search for “email”.
5) Voilà!
You found the email address.
GitHub is a
place where the lots of interesting engineers are coming together to share
their code and as a results. It’s one of the most
important project and collaboration toll for engineers.
Good luck
and happy searching.
Do NOT spam developers on Github! Just because they provide their information (emails)
doesn’t give you the right to send them job opportunities and spam them.
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