sobota 21. června 2014

Fake profiles gallery

I got lots of tips and screen shots by email, about the fake profiles so here is small galery for you. I also was contacted by some ex-CoolPeople employees and they told me about some new fake profiles and tricks. (The main article is still here )

Czech Republic:

3 komentáře:

  1. ... I think this was the first one. I reported it about 3-4 years ago, but nobody did anything. Actually their fake profiles have been around for quite some time. I reported most of the them, but no one ever cared. I am glad, you brought it up so that everyone can see how un-professional company CoolPeople are.

  2. I just notified my friend @ LinkedIn HQ about it and I hope she will start doing something about it.

  3. It looks almost like google has more talent managers than programmers :).
