neděle 29. června 2014

Free Recruitment Tools for Google Chrome

Why pay for the expensive tools, when the best things in life are free?

Here are few tools that is going to help you with your Linkedin Search. For all these tools you need to install Google Chrome

Very handy boolean String formatting software for input into Linkedin, Google, GitHub, Xing, StackOverflow, Twitter. People Search has a suite of Chrome addons that do different things. People Search connects users with the people they know across multiple networks including Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Crunchbase, and more.

sobota 21. června 2014

Fake profiles gallery

I got lots of tips and screen shots by email, about the fake profiles so here is small galery for you. I also was contacted by some ex-CoolPeople employees and they told me about some new fake profiles and tricks. (The main article is still here )

Czech Republic:

Staffing companies post fake jobs to lure people in, why?

You are looking for job and viola; you see a position advertised that fits your profile like a glove. You send your CV and you didn’t any feedback and response. So hours turn into the days, a week goes by and still no response? And you start wondering if the position has been filled, but you still see the posting on the job board. You contacted the agency and still no response or something like “We are still trying to get a feedback from the company.” or you will not get any response at all.

There are some agencies on the market and they are using the trick with the fake positions.

pátek 20. června 2014

Quick note

I would like to thank you all for your support and emails I got from you. It’s really great to see that the market is full of good recruiters trying to build the relationship with candidates and do honest work!

I would like to answer few questions, but first of all I am really surprised about the impact that this small article already did.

“The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.” So thanks for your sharing and for this small miracle.

I really appreciate this!

středa 18. června 2014

Fake profiles on Linkedin. Why? And who is behind this?

Maybe you found recently some invite from somebody who mentioned on his LinkedIn profile that it’s Talent Manager, Talent Hunter, Talent Specialist from companies like Google, Amazon, Skype etc. You accepted and nothing happened and you think that what is the reason, why I got this invitation?

Well, I can assure you, that “something happened” after you accepted this invite. 
I will try to disclose who is behind these profiles.

Me and two of my friends (both are also recruiters in Prague), we tried to find out who is behind it.

And because people behind these profiles are not responding on inmails, we tried small test to find out who is responsible for this.

Who am I?

Answer is really simple :) I am recruiter with 20 years+ experience working at Prague. Why I am not showing my Linkedin profile or mention my name?

Well, my goal is to point out on the bad things on Czech HR market and some people are not going to like that. They will probably start threating with lawsuit and other things like that. So it’s better to be “anonymous” and tell the truth or be “visible” and not able to disclose the truth.

And you know the truth is out there. J