úterý 21. října 2014

Recruiter certification - Real deal or scam?

We are living in the times when everybody is looking for certificate. Just to show the new employer that they have the knowledge and they have the experience. Also there are some new companies that are just creating their certification just to generate money and you will get the certification that is basically useless if you are looking for a job outside Czech Republic.

In my opinion, a certification won’t make a bad sourcer good. You will just spend money. And if the teacher is bad, you will learn bad things and you will waste your money.

Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview

During all the years that I've been working in recruitment I worked for 2 agencies and few global organizations, I've seen plenty of job candidates sabotage themselves during interviews.

During my current job search I am trying to avoid these things, so I was trying to remember these things that I need to avoid and I create this list, I hope you like it.

Some job hunters still do speak before they think. So don't take yourself out of the competition by saying one of these job-interview killers:

neděle 19. října 2014

More than 10,000 eBook downloads

eBook - The Secret of Hiring on The Internet is out from 9/1/2014 and it was downloaded more than 10,000 times.

So I just want to say THANK YOU so much for downloading this free eBook.

I hope that you find this resource helpful.


It's free, so you can download it, share it and use it for free :)